
Episode 1 – Robert C. Martin

In this episode I talk with Robert C. Martin, better known as Uncle Bob. We run the gamut from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, introducing children to programming, TDD and the REPL, compatibility of Functional Programming and Object Oriented Programming

Our Guest, Robert C. Martin
8th Light


Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Ignite Your Coding
SICP Videos
Domain Driven Design
Stuart Holloway
Functional Programming as intro to programming?
Myth of not being able to build real apps with functional languages
TDD vs REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)
Transformation Priority Premise
Test Driving Functional Programs
Midje by Brian Marick
SOLID Principals Relation to Functional Programming
Clean Code and Readability
Ward Cunningham
Katas/Project Euler/Koans
Clojure Koans
Functional Programming and Object Oriented Compatibility
Michael Feathers
Introducing Functional Programming to Work Environment
Lack of History In A Young Industry
8th Light

A giant Thank You to David Belcher for the logo design.

5 replies on “Episode 1 – Robert C. Martin”

I am in the process of getting the feed submitted to iTunes, Zune, and looking at other marketplaces as well.

iTunes looks to be about a seven day turnaround to be searchable, and another 3 days on that to be indexed.

I will post updates when I know that they should be showing in the different “stores”.

Could you also announce any new videos on your blog, and syndicate it through planet.clojure ?

This will keep most of the clojure community informed.

Thanks for amazing effort !

I have transcribed the part from 41:00 to 43:37, where Uncle Bob discusses OO and immutability. This part corresponds to “Functional Programming and Object Oriented Compatibility” in the Topics list on this page.

Proctor: So I know you still go out and preach for good object-oriented design.

Bob: Sure.

Proctor: And one cannot blame you. How has your message changed when you reach out to the developers doing object-oriented programming?

Bob: I don’t know that it’s changed at all. If we’re doing OO, we have a set of principles that we need to follow, we need to write good code, we need to develop systems that are decoupled, and plugins with a plugin architecture – all of that stuff I believe remains the same.

FP does not change what OO is. There has been a fair bit of discussion over whether or not OO and functional are even compatible. And I find that very interesting, because, from my point of view, they are completely compatible. And orthogonal. They have almost nothing to do with each other. A program can be both OO and functional simultaneously.

The reason people get confused about that is that they think of objects being inherently mutable. But there’s nothing about an object that requires it to be mutable. You can operate on an object, and its return value can be another object, rather than a mutation of the existing code. Which means you can write very reasonable object-oriented programs in a functional style.

One of the benefits of the OO style is polymorphism – the ability to invoke a function and not know precisely what function is going to be invoked. There’s this very interesting inversion of dependencies that occurs across a polymorphic boundary. And that inversion of dependencies can still exist in a functional language.

Example: Clojure has a facility called protocols, and records, where you’re allowed to create these – they look like methods. They look like method declarations. And then they can be implemented by a separate module entirely, with the same kind of dependency inversion structure. So you get all the benefit of polymorphic OO – all the same principles apply, as far as that’s concerned – and you can also insert immutability. And get a decent, functional, object-oriented program. Which is structured, too, by the way.

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